Liturgia Horarum Premium

by Rafael Cereceda


9.49 usd

The breviary in Latin, with Spanish translation of psalms, hymns and readings.

Archivo completo con toda la Liturgia de las Horas (Breviario) en latín.Se incluye la traducción al español de todas las lecturas y los salmos, con posibilidad de verlas en dos columnas, o al tocar el texto.Una vez descargada no necesita acceso a internet.Diferencias respecto a la versión gratuita:-Requiere mucha menos "navegación" de una parte a otra, manteniendo siempre todas las posibilidades de elección.- Se incluye la traducción de todas las lecturas breves.- Se señalan las horas rezadas.- Dos velocidades de autoscroll.Complete archive with all the Liturgy of the Hours (Breviary) in Latin.The translation into Spanish of all readings and psalms, with the possibility of them in two columns, or by touching the text is included.Once downloaded you do not need internet access.Differences from the free version:-Requires Much less "navigation" from one party to another, while maintaining all the choices.- Translation of all short readings is included.- The recited hours are indicated.- Two speeds autoscroll.Arreglados pequeños errores

Read trusted reviews from application customers

awesome. it feels like the paper breviary

davi d

The app offers translations in English and Spanish. It would be great if it could have the verses of the Psalms in brackets...also a French translation would be great too as there is demand.

Francis Wertheimer

This app has been very helpful, because it makes readind the liturgy of the hours easy and enjoyable. Particularly, when you could even copy and paste any prayer that impacts a d inspires you during your reading. I highly recomend it for anybody who wants to read it daily. Kudos for Rafael Cereceda!!!

Manuel González

Great app, all the breviary downloaded on your device is really nice. Great for praying in Latin - especially for the hymns (and they are translated into English and Spanish, which is nice, as they are harder to understand). However, when I try to use the option for the old calendar, it crashes. Tan bueno, pero quando trato de usar el calendaro 'antiguo', no functiona. Fixelo, por favor!

Fr Dale Tuckerman

No encuentro otro mejor

David Chong

It also has the full approved English liturgy of the hours (except antiphons), which you can toggle or use side by side with the Latin. An effective replacement for ibreviary, as it is all offline. Awesome app

Patrick Le